Level-Up Project

The Level Up Project seeks to bridge the gap between early school leaving, further training, education or employment pathways. Level up is a service for young people aged 16 – 24 years old, who are currently out of employment or education and are in need of some extra support in the Trim and South Meath area. It is a voluntary personal development programme which is strengths-based and non-judgmental. Level up focuses on the young person’s personal development and raising awareness on issues affecting their lives. It is a service for all of the Trim and South Meath area and is based on personal development of the individual and how best their needs can be met. Our dedicated Level-Up Coordinator Jackie, is at hand to help work with and supporting them to work towards their goals and transition into employment or further education you contact her via email on jackie@trimfrc.ie

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Feel free to reach out to us at any time. We're here to answer all your questions!